Quality Policy

Our experts examine the quality of wheat grains.
This lab-oriented examination is effective to identify even the slightest flaws which are not noticeable with the naked eye.
Only the best-quality is processed ahead and grains with the slightest imperfections are removed.

We do not use any chemicals or hazardous activities. Even the small and light particles that flow in the air and collected by the filter bags of the Buhler Swiss Technology system. The collected impurities like stones, soil etc are used for the land development of the factory area.

Kriti Atta, the premium wheat flour manufacturer in India follows a precise procedure consisting of four separate steps to bring the best quality food to you. Finest quality of wheat is collected and cleaned that goes through the processes of milling, sifting and accurate packaging that reaches your dinner table!

Intake And Storage

Best quality wheat from the rich fields of Madhya Pradesh.


Finest quality of wheat is collected and cleaned that goes through


wheat is collected and cleaned that goes through the processes of milling,


Sealed packets are then transferred to defined godowns, distributors

Storing Process

After the comprehensive refining, the wheat grains are stored in the large compact containers called Silos.
At the appropriate time, they are shifted to the flour mill for production procedure.

Well-qualified Staff

All our staff has been hired keeping in mind their educational qualifications, so that only the best personnel operate our high-end imported machinery.

Global Technology

Our plants are equipped with world-class machinery from Buhler; our floors are laid out in EPOXY, and pest control is maintained by NBHC.

Excellent Products

Our products are untouched by hand, processed under completely hygienic conditions to maintain our trademark promise of purity.